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Fall Lawn Renovation Quote Request

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Core Aeration is a service that improves a lawn by reducing compaction and thatch. The Core Aerator machine pulls thousands of plugs from your lawn, reducing compaction and allowing water, air and nutrients to reach your lawn’s root system efficiently. Seed is then spread over the entire lawn to add a diversity of seed strains, falling into holes and making contact with exposed soil. Cool season grasses such as bluegrass, and fescues grow most actively in the fall, that is why now is the PERFECT time!  This is the single most important thing you can do for your lawn, we recommend having it done every season, whether your lawn is struggling or not. 

Benefits of Core Aeration:
• Improved air exchange between the soil and atmosphere
• Improved drainage and soil water uptake
• Improved fertilizer uptake and use
• Stronger turfgrass roots
• Reduced soil compaction
• Reduction of the thatch layer
• Healthier more durable lawn






Gypsum, Starter Fertilizer and Soil Conditioner are OPTIONAL services that we offer but highly recommend and will be included in your quote for your reference. 

Gypsum used to further help compacted soil levels.  It also helps correct PH levels in the soil.  When your PH levels are too high or too low, the grass has a difficult time taking in nutrients provided by fertilizer and nature.  When your grass has a yellowish color despite proper fertilization and watering, there is a good chance your lawn would benefit from gypsum.  There isn't a lawn in our region that wouldn't benefit from gypsum, due to the clayish nature of our soils so we will also include a price for gypsum applications in your quote.

Starter Fertilizer - This is a very important part of seeding in the fall.  It provides the new grass plants the nutrients it needs to grow thrive. It also acts as a fantastic fertilizer for the rest of your existing lawn preparing the grass for the upcoming winter. Most of you are already part of our 7-Step fertilizer program.  That being said, your seed starter fertilizer will replace your 6th application of the program.  If you are not currently signed up for the 7-Step lawn care program, the starter fertilizer will be an additional cost and quoted accordingly. 

Soil Conditioner - We use Soil Conditioner to improve the quality of your soil and create a more favorable environment for your grass. Applying soil conditioner alongside aeration is the perfect time to maximize its benefits.  As the aeration process creates small holes in your lawn, the soil conditioner can easily work its way deeper into the soil.  The deeper it penetrates, the more effective it is.  


Do I need Core Aeration or Verticutting?


If you have areas that are dead or very thin, let us know.  These areas will need a total renovation which includes verticutting and seeding.  This is a more involved process and will need to be quoted on an individual basis, separately from Aeration.  Verticutting is the process of cutting groves in your soil and overseeding.  We dont expect there to be a lot of these areas this season since the weather has cooperated for the most part this summer. We havent seen a lot of stressed or dead areas caused by extreme heat and drought as we did last year. 


What kind of seed do we use?


We use only the best seed available! Our seed is a blend of 90% fescue and 10% bluegrass (by weight). We use a seed that if formulated to thrive in the Midwest.  Many, many years of research have gone into the formulation of our seed. It is a blue label certified seed that contains a blend of three different turf type fescues (for diverse disease resistance) as well as the bluegrass. The blue label certification also guarantees 0% crop so there is absolutely no weed seeds mixed in.

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